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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Synthetic Events in Siebel

A synthetic event is a specialized run-time event that is dedicated to controlling workflow navigation.
You will stumble upon these concepts if you get a chance to work with interactive workflows.
To control the way a user navigates through the Siebel application, you can create buttons on applets within views and then associate synthetic events with the buttons.
A sample case is when you get a Warning Pop up Applet while you try to modify a product in the SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow.

To create synthetic event buttons
  1. In Siebel Tools, select a view to which a User Interact step navigates the user.
  2. Configure a  button  for eg "OK". button
  3. Specify the MethodInvoked property of the button control as the name of the associated event, for example, FrameEventMethodWFOK for proceeding further.
  4. In the Palette Designer, associate the applet type run-time event, for example, FrameEventMethodWFOK, to the outgoing branches of the User Interact step in the workflow process that will receive the event. Assign the event the following properties:
    • Event Type = Applet
    • Event Obj = AppletName
    • Event = InvokeMethod
    • Sub Event = [method name, for example, FrameEventMethodWFOK]

Hope this post was useful; stay tuned

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