Do you want to Search Something?

Those who opened the gates

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Components for Email Response in Siebel

Siebel Email Response Server Components

Siebel Email Response uses Communications Server components to enable contact center agents to read and respond to inbound email messages.

Key Server Components

Siebel Email Response is supported in the Siebel Server environment primarily by the following server components:
  • Communications Inbound Receiver (CommInboundRcvr). This server component receives inbound work items and queues them for processing by Communications Inbound Processor. Work items may include email messages (for Siebel Email Response).
    • For nonreal-time work items, such as email messages for most deployments of Siebel Email Response, Communications Inbound Receiver queues work items it has received for further processing by Communications Inbound Processor.
    • For real-time work items, such as email messages for some deployments of Siebel Email Response, Communications Inbound Receiver processes work items it has received. Communications Inbound Processor is not used.
  • Communications Inbound Processor (CommInboundProcessor). This server component processes inbound work items that were queued by Communications Inbound Receiver.
  • Communications Outbound Manager (CommOutboundMgr). This server component sends outbound email.
  • Siebel File System Manager. This server component writes to and reads from the Siebel File System. It stores inbound messages prior to processing and stores attachments to inbound and outbound email messages.

An Overview about Server Clustering

About Server Clustering

A server cluster is a group of two or more servers that are configured so that if one server fails, another server can take over application processing. The servers in a cluster are called nodes. Typically, these servers store data on a common disk or disk array.
Clustering software monitors the active nodes in a server cluster. When a node fails, the clustering software manages the transition of the failed server's workload to the secondary node.
When a clustered Siebel Server fails, all the applications and services on the server stop. Application users must reconnect and log in to the server that takes over. For example, if the Siebel Server that failed was hosting Siebel Communications Server, the communications toolbar is disabled, and users must reconnect and log in to the new server.
Cluster vendors can validate their third-party server cluster products to provide server clustering for deployments of Siebel Business Applications. For validation assistance, contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle's Application Expert Services. For recommendations and help on the use of cluster products with Siebel Business Applications, customers should contact the cluster vendor of their choice.

Active-Passive Configuration

An active-passive server cluster contains a minimum of two servers. One server actively runs applications and services. The other is idle. If the active server fails, its workload is switched to the idle server, which then takes over application processing.
Because the standby server is idle, active-passive server clusters require additional hardware without providing additional active capacity. The benefit of active-passive clusters is that, after a failover, the same level of hardware resources is available for each application, thereby eliminating any performance impact on users. This benefit is particularly important for performance-critical areas such as the database. The most common use of active-passive clusters is for database servers.

Active-Active Configuration

An active-active server cluster contains a minimum of two servers. Both actively run applications and services. Each may host different applications or may host instances of the same application. If one server fails, its processing load is transferred to the other.
Active-active configuration is the most common server clustering strategy for servers other than the database server.
NOTE:  Configuring the Siebel Database (database server) and a Siebel Server to failover to each other is supported, but not recommended.
Potential Port Conflicts
Some Siebel Server components, such as Siebel Connection Broker (SCBroker), Siebel Gateway Name Server, Synchronization Manager (Siebel Remote), and Siebel Handheld synchronization listen on a configurable static port. When these components run in an active-active cluster, you must plan your port usage so there is no port conflict after failover.
For example, an active-active server cluster contains two platforms, each running a Siebel Server. If one platform fails, the other will host two Siebel Servers. Siebel Servers include several services, such as Siebel Connection Broker, that use a dedicated port. If this port number was the same on both platforms, there will be a port conflict after failover.
Capacity Planning
Active-active clusters use all the server platforms continuously. Consequently, they take better advantage of computing resources than active-passive clusters. When doing capacity planning, make sure that clustered servers have sufficient capacity to handle a failover. Because failovers are usually infrequent and normally last only a short time, some performance degradation is often acceptable.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to enable a Component Group on Siebel Server

To enable a component group on a Siebel Server
Navigate to Administration-Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, and then the Component Groups view.
In the Component Groups list, select the Siebel Server component group of interest.
In the Component Groups Assignment list, select the Siebel Server of interest.
Click the Enable button.
The Enabled on Server? field of the Siebel Server record becomes checked.
For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Implementing ACRs In Siebel

ACRs are enhanced functionalities provided as a part of patch installation.
A list of various ACRs will be available in the Siebel Maintainance Release Guide which are updated and various revisions are available in support web.
ACRs are usually found as a Zip file in the local installation of Tools in a folder called
These zip files usually contain archive files of seed objects like Applet,Views,Table,Webtemplate files etc.
ef ACR 374 to configure IMAP protocol

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

For a change lets know what are RSS feeds:)

What is RSS?
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication"(Origin - RDF Site Summary). It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people. It is used by computer programs that organize those headlines and notices for easy reading.
Why do we need RSS?
Most people are interested in many websites whose content changes on an unpredictable schedule. Examples of such websites are news sites, community and religious organization information pages, product information pages, medical websites, and weblogs. Repeatedly checking each website to see if there is any new content can be very tedious.
Email notification of changes was an early solution to this problem. Unfortunately, when you receive email notifications from multiple websites they are usually disorganized and can get overwhelming, and are often mistaken for spam.
RSS is a better way to be notified of new and changed content. Notifications of changes to multiple websites are handled easily, and the results are presented to you well organized and distinct from email.
The Working Principle?
RSS works by having the website author maintain a list of notifications on their website in a standard way. This list of notifications is called an "RSS Feed". People who are interested in finding out the latest headlines or changes can check this list. Special computer programs called "RSS aggregators" have been developed that automatically access the RSS feeds of websites you care about on your behalf and organize the results for you. (RSS feeds and aggregators are also sometimes called "RSS Channels" and "RSS Readers".)
Producing an RSS feed is very simple and hundreds of thousands of websites now provide this feature, including major news organizations like the New York Times, the BBC, and Reuters, as well as many weblogs.
What information does RSS provide?
RSS provides very basic information to do its notification. It is made up of a list of items presented in order from newest to oldest. Each item usually consists of a simple title describing the item along with a more complete description and a link to a web page with the actual information being described. Sometimes this description is the full information you want to read (such as the content of a weblog post) and sometimes it is just a summary.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
        <title>RSS Title</title>
        <description>This is an example of an RSS feed</description>
        <lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 +0000 </lastBuildDate>
        <pubDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:45:00 +0000 </pubDate>

                <title>Example entry</title>
                <description>Here is some text containing an interesting description.</description>
                <guid>unique string per item</guid>
                <pubDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:45:00 +0000 </pubDate>

Atom(Feeds) is the next generation web feed mechnism or an aternative to RSS.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Playing with ToolTip in eCalendar Applets

Displaying Field ToolTip Text

When you move the mouse over a display field in a calendar record.The ToolTip content is configurable through the applet user property Display Field Name.Tooltip Fields, where Display Field Name is the name of the display field.
The user property value is a list of comma delimited business component fields. The values of these business component fields display as the ToolTip in the display field. By default, the name of the business component field is used as the label in the ToolTip text.
Make the label for a ToolTip field translatable by creating a control in the applet with the name Tooltip Field Label:Field Name. The caption of the control is used as the label for the ToolTip field. For example, for the business component Quote, field Name, the ToolTip label for the field is defined as a control of name ToolTip Field Label:Quote.Name, and the caption of the control will be the label for this field.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Configuring Visibility of Pop -Up and Pick Applets

About Configuring Visibility of Pop-Up and Pick Applets

Pop-up visibility determines what data will be shown when a pop-up pick applet is displayed, for example, when a user associates a contact with an account, or adds a sales representative to the sales team.
Pop-up visibility is usually set using the Popup Visibility Type property of the business component object in Siebel Tools. When pop-up visibility is set in this way, any pop-up based on that business component shows the same data for all users.
There are often circumstances where you require greater flexibility when determining what data is shown in pop-up pick applets. For example:
  • Most employees of your company only need to see positions for your organizations when they are assigning a sales representative to the sales team.
  • Partner Managers need to see positions for your organization, as well as the partner organizations that they manage.
There are also many scenarios where your partners require more restrictive visibility than your employees.
In order to meet this business requirement, Siebel Business Applications have three capabilities that allow the developer to override the visibility set in the Business Component Popup Visibility Type property at the business component level in favor of another setting. The developer can:
  • Set visibility of the Pick List object definition
  • Use the visibility Auto All property
  • Use the Special Frame Class and User Properties  

Setting Visibility of the Pick List Object Definition

Developers can override the visibility set at the business component level by setting a different visibility type on the Pick List object definition, in the Visibility Type property.

Using the Visibility Auto All Property

For both Pick List Visibility Type and Business Component Pop-up Visibility Type, you can use the Visibility Auto All property to override the visibility type property.
This property will check the current user's responsibility to see if it includes the All Across Organizations view based on the same business component. If the view is found, this visibility type will be overridden and the user will get All visibility on the object in question. Otherwise, the visibility type will not be overridden.
This property makes visibility consistent across views and pop-up pick applets.

About Using the Special Frame Class and User Properties

The developer can use a special frame class and user properties to set visibility for a pick applet on the applet object depending on which application is being used.
For example, if users are running Siebel Sales, the Pick Positions applet for the sales team shows positions only for the user's organization. If users are running Siebel Partner Manager, the applet shows the positions for the user's own organization and for the suborganizations (or child organizations) of that organization. This allows users to select positions for the partners they manage.
In order to override the pop-up visibility set at the business component level, the developer must make the following changes:
  • If the applet whose visibility is to be overridden is an association applet, change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityAssoc.
  • If the applet whose visibility is to be overridden is a pick applet, change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityPick.
  • If the applet whose visibility is to be overridden is an MVG applet, change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityMvg.
  • Add an applet user property called Override Visibility, with the following values:
    • Name: Override Visibility: [Application Name]
    • Value: [Visibility Type] where the developer can choose from the standard visibility types
  • Set the business component user property Popup Visibility Auto All to FALSE.
The developer can also set visibility on an applet based on whether the user has access to a view or not. The developer must change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityPick and add the following user property to the applet:
  • Name: Override Visibility View: [View Name]
  • Value: [Visibility Type] where the developer can choose from the standard visibility types
For example, to override Campaign Pick Applet popup visibility to All if the user has access to the Campaign Administration List view, add the user property with the following values:
  • Name: Override Visibility View: Campaign Administration List
  • Value: All

Monday, September 12, 2011

View is not Visible in SIEBEL Client

Why a View Is Not Visible to a User

When a view is not visible to the logged-in user, there are the following possible reasons:
  • The view does not exist in the .srf file.
  • This includes a possible misspelling when the view was registered (Site Map > Application Administration > Views); that is, it does not match the view name in the .srf file. If it matches, compile the .srf file again using the All Projects option (full compile).
  • The view is not included in one of the logged-in user's responsibilities.
    • Determine which responsibilities the logged-in user has (Site Map > User Administration > Employees).
    • Determine for each responsibility whether the view is included (Site Map > Application Administration > Responsibilities).
  • The view is hidden using personalization rules.
  • Determine this under Personalization Administration > Views. For testing purposes, you can also switch off the EnablePersonalization parameter in the .cfg file.
  • The view is not included either in the menu or in the view tabs. In this case, the view can only be accessed by drilling down from another view.
    • In Siebel Tools, examine the Screen Menu property of the View object. It must be set to TRUE for the view to be included in the Site Map.
    • Determine whether the view is included in a screen and that the Viewbar Text property of the Screen View child object of the screen is set appropriately.
    • Determine whether the view's Visibility Applet and Visibility Applet Type properties are set correctly. The view belongs to a screen that is not included in the currently running application.
    • In Siebel Tools, determine whether the screen is included in the application (Screen Menu Item child object of the application).
    • Determine whether the application name is spelled correctly in the .cfg file.
  • The view does not belong to the same business object as the screen's default view.
  • Make sure that the view is based on the same business object.
    For restrictions on the Screen property, see Siebel Object Types Reference.
  • The view is not available due to upgrade problems.
  • If an upgrade was done, make sure that it was successful by verifying all the log files that were created. The upgrade log files are found in the DBSERVER_ROOT\DB_PLATFORM directory.
  • The view is not included in your license keys.
  • If none of the previous reasons is responsible for the view not being visible, it is likely that the view is not included in your license keys. Send the license keys to Siebel Expert Services for examination. See also Alert 0041 on Siebel SupportWeb.
  • The screen menu item or page tab is not translated into its target language.
  • Make sure that for each screen associated with the application (Screen Menu Item object) there is a translated string available in the target language and a Screen Menu Item Locale child object. If not, the screen will not appear in the Site Map.
    Similarly, for a page tab to appear, the Page Tab object must have a translated string and a Page Tab Locale child object with the appropriate language code.
    For example, if the application runs in Norwegian, there must be Screen Menu Item Locale and Page Tab Locale objects with the Language Code property set to NOR.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Using Runtime Events in a Workflow

A workflow process can integrate with the run-time events engine in order to provide a simplified way to automate a business process. Benefits provided by this technique include:

Allows real time monitoring of events
Minimizes scripting and calling for a workflow policy

The types of events that can be used include:
Business Component

A run-time event allows the Siebel application to respond in real time to an interaction that is initiated by an end user. A run-time event can be defined on a connector that emanates from a start, wait, or user interact step in order to start or resume a workflow process. The properties of the WF Step Branch that are used to define a run-time event include:

Event Object Type
Event Object
Sub Event
Event Cancel Flag

Friday, September 2, 2011

CLOB Physical Type in Siebel

Character Large Object (CLOB) Physical Type
The Character Large Object (CLOB) physical type stores a large, variable amount of text. Siebel CRM version 8.0 and higher supports this text. CLOB is similar to Long, but it can contain much more data. In an Oracle database, the maximum size is (4 GB minus 1 byte) multiplied by the value in DB_BLOCK_SIZE.
Note the following requirements:
  • Because a column in a Siebel table is limited to 128 KB of data, you cannot define a column of type CLOB that is greater than 128 KB.
  • Siebel CRM allows no more than three CLOB columns for each table.
  • In Siebel Tools, you can only set the physical type to CLOB when you define a column. You cannot change a predefined column, such as a Long column, to a CLOB column.
  • Siebel Tools displays the CLOB Physical Type as L (Long) in the Properties window.
  • Because MS SQL Server does not define a CLOB type, MS SQL Server treats a CLOB as a varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) object.
  • To query on a DTYPE_CLOB field, you must use at least one wildcard in the search expression. You use an asterisk (*) to express a wildcard. For example, use TEST*. Do not use an equal sign (=) in the query. For example, do not use =TEST. If you use an equal sign, then Siebel CRM generates an error.
Maximum Number of Digits for a Numeric Physical Type
If the Physical Type property of a table column is Numeric, then the table column can contain up to 16 digits. Note the following for the numeric physical type:
  • As Siebel CRM increases the number of digits it uses to the left of the decimal point, the number of usable digits to the right of the decimal point decreases by an equal amount.
  • Data is limited to 16 digits without a decimal point.
  • If you use a decimal point, then data is limited to 15 digits to the left of the decimal point.
  • You cannot use more than 7 digits to the right of the decimal point.
  • You cannot change precision or scale properties to change this support.
  • Some rounding errors can occur with a 16 or 15 digit number.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Playing with Calculated Fields

To create a calculated field that displays the division name of the current logged user creating a service request
In the Service Request business component, create a new calculated field:
Calculated: TRUE
Calculated Value: DivisionName()
Name: Division (Calc)
Parent Name: Service Request
In the Service Request Business Component, also create a new join to S_SRV_REQ_X table:
Column: ATTRIB_03
Name: Reported By Division
Pre Default Value: Field:
'Division Name'
Read Only: TRUE
Expose the joined field Reported By Division in the relevant applets.
You may also want to expose the calculated field Division (Calc), just to check the logic and set Visible = False later for the control or list column exposed

Monday, July 18, 2011

Data Validation Manager in Siebel

The Data Validation Manager business service can validate business component data based on a set of rules. In the case of a rule violation, a custom error message appears or a user-defined error code is returned.

The Data Validation Manager business service reduces the need for custom scripts, decreases implementation costs, and increases application performance.

To administer data validation rules, perform the following tasks:
  1. Defining Error Messages for Data Validation (Administration - Data Validation > Validation Messages. )
  2. Defining a Data Validation Rule Set (Administration - Data Validation > Rule Sets.)
  3. Defining Rule Set Arguments
  4. Defining Validation Rules
  5. Defining Validation Rule Actions
  6. Activating a Data Validation Rule Set
1.        Create Error Messages

2.       Create Rule sets and Rules and created desired expressions with the expression Builder

3.       Add the Error Message using the Return Code pick applet.

 Use Runtime Events or Workflow Process to triggerered from a runtime event to call the DVM bs.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Siebel Assignment Manager Made Simple

A lot of times it is seen that peple struggle with the assignment manager setup in siebel. The truth is that you need to follow a sequence of steps and you are done.

The first thing you would do is to find your assignment object in tools. If it is there well and good elso you need to create one.

Next question to be answered is whom should the record created be assigned(associated to)

Position? Employee? Organization?

Once you have answers proceed like this

Log into siebel Tools and create

a. Workflow Policy Column
b. Assignment Object (If not present)
c. Workflow Policy Component
d. Workflow Policy Component Col
e. Assignment Attribute
f. Assignment Criteria

Note:-Compile the changes to srf; Assignment Objects modification does not need any compilation
Create Assignment Rule select comparison method and add skill and skill items to the Assignment Candidates.
Use the following truth table given in bookshelf 

Table 38. Server Administration Tasks After Configuring Assignment Manager
Configuration Process
Compile .srf File
Restart Assignment Manager
Regenerate Triggers
Restart Workflow Monitor Agent1
Add or inactivate assignment objects
Configure assignment objects
Add, configure, or inactivate assignment attributes
Configure assignment attribute columns
Add, configure, or inactivate assignment criteria
Add, configure, or inactivate assignment criteria attributes
Activate, inactivate, or modify assignment policies

Use the following BS (Business Service) to trigger Assignment
BS:             Synchronous Assignment Manager Requests
Method:       Assign
Arg1:          AsgnObjName
Arg2:          ObjRowId (Row Id of record to be assigned)

This the simplest outline for assignment manager.Ofcourse you can always deep dive into the intrices of each object. Stay happy stay tuned

Friday, July 8, 2011

Assignment Manager Error Messages.Valuable information from the bookshelf

Error Code
Error Text1
Assigned this object %1 (more recently than requested %2).
This is just information.
Selected %3 rules, %5 organizations, and %4 people for %1 (%2).
This is just information.
Assigned %1 rows for %2.
This is just information.
Unable to load assignment object %1.
The configuration of the assignment object is not correct. Use Siebel Tools to check the configuration of the assignment object.
Denormalized %1 rows for %2.
This is just information.
Cannot assign this item because it is in a locked state. (Object Name = %1, Object Row Id = %2.)
If you want to assign this object, please uncheck the Lock Assignment field for the object being assigned. Otherwise, this is just information.
Denormalized %1 rows for %2.
This is just information.
Unable to update row (%1) because updated values violate unique index with an existing row (%2).
Check the data on your team table on the object row_ID where it failed.
Default organization %1 for assignment object %2 is not found in the organizations table. Please check that Default Organization - %1 is a valid organization.
Use Siebel Tools to set the Default Organization parameter for the assignment object to a valid organization in the database.
Default employee %1 for assignment object %2 is not found in the employees table.
Use Siebel Tools to set the Default Employee parameter for the assignment object to a valid employee in the database.
Default position %1 for assignment object %2 is not found in the positions table.
Use Siebel Tools to set the Default Position parameter for the assignment object to a valid position in the database.
Assignment criteria attribute %1 has an invalid store column.
Check the Store Column value for your assignment criteria attribute and make sure it lies between 1 and 4.
Assignment attribute column (%1) references invalid workflow component column (%2).
Check the Workflow Policy Component Column property of the assignment attribute column, and make sure it points to a valid and active workflow policy component column.
Assignment Criteria %1, Assignment Criteria Attribute %2 has no attribute defined. Verify in Siebel Tools that the Assignment Criteria %1 has an assignment criteria attribute defined and active. Recompile the server repository file to apply changes made on assignment criteria configuration if necessary.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
Item(%2) not found for item attribute (%1). Please make sure that the item(%2) is active.
Make sure that the Parent Assignment Item Type of the Assignment Criteria Attribute(%1), points to a valid and active assignment criteria.
Assignment Criteria %1 has an invalid assignment attribute. Please check the assignment criteria configuration on Siebel Tools using the Validate tool, and note that it is a requirement to recompile the server SRF after adding or deleting assignment criteria records.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
Unable to load assignment rule %1 from the database. Please check the assignment rule definitions to make sure that all the required information is correct and press the Release button to recreate the rule cache data file.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
Unable to load assignment object %1."
Check the configuration of the assignment object.
No LOV value found for Type [%1], Value [%2].
Make sure expertise values for skills are valid, belonging to LOV type EXPERTISE_CD (defined through Application Administration screens).
Qualified and selected %3 rules, %5 organizations, and %4 people for %1 (%2).
This is just information.
Qualified %3 rules, %5 organizations, and %4 people for %1 (%2).
This is just information.
Assignment object %1 has no columns.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
Employee or Position not specified for assignment object %1.
If person-based assignment, make sure that at least one of the four properties (Position Table, Position Primary Column, Employee Table, Employee Primary Column) for assignment object %1 has a valid non-null value. If organization-based assignment, make sure that at least one of the two properties (Org Table, Org Primary Column) for assignment object %1 has a valid non-null value.
Assignment attribute %1 has no workflow columns.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
No workflow object available for assign object = %1.
Make sure that the Parent Workflow Object property of the Assignment Object % points to a valid workflow object.
Assignment object %1 is not registered in the Siebel repository. Please make sure that %1 is a valid assignment object name and the value you input is identical to what you see in the application. Please review the Assignment Manager documentation for details on the required parameters before running an Assignment Manager task.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
Number of attributes do not match with assignment object for person object %1.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
RowId [%1] in table [%2] not found.
Make sure that request submitted is for a valid Row Id in table (%2).
Unable to update row %1 (%2).
Check the log file for database related error, and correct the error.
Unable to parse criteria value %1.
Not applicable or no further explanation should be needed.
Assignment Key %1 does not match the Request Key.
Make sure that the AsgnKey parameter is set to the Row Id of one of the assignment groups mapped to the server.

Siebel Server is not coming up...What should we check?

1. Validate that the .srf file is not corrupt by testing the srf on a dedicated environment.
if the dedicated client is facing issues possibly 2 reasons must be there
a.srf file is corrupt
b.db itself is down
Take the necessary action

2. Stop siebel servers after executing ./ and command stop_server all

3. Check that no Siebel processes for the enterprise are still running.
Windows: Check Task Manager for any Siebel process for the enterprise still running.
Solaris: Execute ps -ef | grep [directory path] (eg. ps -ef | grep /app/siebel/siebsrvr).
ps -ef|grep sieb also finds all active siebel process
Ensure that all processes for that enterprise are killed.
use kill -9 pid to achieve the same

4. Delete any file that exists in directory %SIEBEL_ROOT%\sys with name like:
[SiebelEnterprise] = The Siebel Enterprise name
[SiebelServer] = The Siebel Server name.

5. Delete any file that exists in directory %SIEBEL_ROOT%\admin with name like:
dhm files are shared memory files. This file should be automatically deleted when the Siebel server is shut down, if it still exists when the Siebel server is down then it has been corrupted and not correctly removed.

6.Delete fdr and core files as these file eat up large amounts of memory.

7.Cleanup unwanted logarchive and log files so that fresh logs can be monitered and space can be freed up.

8.Try to restart server after executing ./ and command start_server all
Note- At this point if the server still does not restart, you need to check the enterprise log for the reason. The enterprise log is located in:
The enterprise log has name with format:

9. If no enterprise logs are getting creted there are connectivity issues with the database:
i.e change of db password for SADMIN user
db server is down
(Come to this conclusion ony if you skipped the first step)
run odbcsql from siebsrvr/bin to check connectivity issues
odbcsql /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /s DSN Name

10. Any changes which lead to the corruption of siebns.dat will also result in the servers not coming up.
usually NameSrvr logs tell us connectivity related information and errors like key not found.Try reverting to an old working siebns.dat file.

11.If the environment is LDAP authenticated any changes in the LDAP trees can also affect the environment.please verify the same.

12.Check the SCBroker and SRBroker logs;you would get a hint.

13.Use netstat -an|grep 2320 for verifying that the gateway service port is listening.

14.Use netstat -an|grep 2321 for verifing that the SRBroker/SCBroker port is listening
So that is a long list.Thought there can be other reasons too; I have only mentioned those encountered by me.I will keep on updating when I find newer reasons.Till then stay tuned.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

About the rulecache.dat file in Assignment Manager setup

The rule cache file contains the most recent copy of assignment rule, criteria, candidates, skills, and skill items information from the last time assignment rules were released. A cache file is recreated every time assignment rules are released or when skills have expired.
Depending on the mode in which you run Assignment Manager, the following cache files are used:
  • rulecache.dat
    This file contains information about all active rules in the database. When Assignment Manager runs in default mode, this file is used by each of the three assignment operation modes (interactive, batch, and dynamic assignment).
  • rulecache_SERVERNAME.dat
    This file (where SERVERNAME is the name of the Siebel Server) contains information about the rules in the rule groups assigned to a particular Siebel Server and is used when server key mappings are defined.
  • batchrulecache_RULEGROUPID.dat
    When batch assignment runs in rule group mode, you can specify whether it uses the default mode cache file (rulecache.dat) or a separate cache file by way of the Independent Rule Group Cache parameter.
    • If you set this parameter to FALSE, it uses the default mode cache file (see rulecache.dat previously described in this topic).
    • If you set this parameter to TRUE, it creates a separate cache file, batchrulecache_RULEGROUPID.dat (where RULEGROUPID is the Assignment Key parameter you passed along with the request).
      There can be multiple cache files of this type, because you can use batch assignment in rule group mode for different rule groups. This rule group cache file is a smaller file, therefore providing better performance than the default mode cache file. Performance is better because the batchrulecache_RULEGROUPID.dat file only has information about some rules for some rule groups, while the rulecache.dat file has information about all active rules for all rule groups.
Hope this information was helpful.stay tuned

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Generate Triggers using Siebel Client

To generate triggers using the GUI
1.             In the Siebel client, from the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Jobs.
2.             In the Jobs list, click New.
3.             From the Component/Job drop-down list, select Generate Triggers. This creates a new line entry but does not start the task.
4.             In the Job Parameters list, click New to modify parameter settings.
5.             Enter your Privileged User name and Privileged User password.
6.             In the Job Detail form applet, from the applet-level menu, select Start Job.
7.             To view changes to the state, refresh the screen by clicking Run Query(Alt+Enter) from the applet menu.
8.             Upon completion, the Status field contains either Success or Error. It is recommended that you view the log details.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Modifying Applet Colors for High Interactivity Applets

To modify applet colors for high interactivity applets (tested for 8.1)

  1. In the main.css file, locate the following code:
    .Selected TR.AppletButtons {background-color:#658AC3; color:#ffffff;}
    .Selected TR.AppletButtons TD.AppletTitle,
    .Selected TR.AppletButtons TD.AppletTitle A,
    .Selected TR.AppletButtons TD.AppletTitle A:link,
    .Selected TR.AppletButtons TD.AppletTitle A:visited,
  2. Change the value in the background-color attribute to the custom color.
  3. Save the file, and then test your changes.

Starting and Shutting Down a Siebel Deployment

To start a Siebel Deployment

1.             Start the Siebel Database.
2.             Start the Siebel Gateway Name Server System Service.
3.             Start the third-party load balancing software, if applicable.
4.             Start any other third-party software, if applicable.
5.             Start the Siebel Server System Service(daemon process in UNIX). (The Siebel Server must connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Database on startup)
6.             Start the Siebel Management Agent Service. (The Siebel Management Agent must connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server)
7.             Start the Siebel Management Server Service.(The Siebel Management Server must connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server)

To stop a Siebel Deployment
                1.   Shut down the Siebel Server System Service.
When the Siebel Server System Service is shut down, it shuts down server components and tasks   before shutting down itself. NOTE:  To make sure server components shut down properly, shut down Siebel Servers before shutting down the Siebel Server System Service.
2.    Shut down the Siebel Management Agent Service.
3.       Shut down the Siebel Management Server Service.
4.    Shut down the third-party load balancing software and any other third-party software, if applicable.
5.       Shut down the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
NOTE:  Make sure all Siebel Servers are shut down before shutting down the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
6.       Shut down the Siebel Database.
Source: Siebel Bookshelf

In next post I will talk about daemon process and windows service.stay tuned