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Monday, September 12, 2011

View is not Visible in SIEBEL Client

Why a View Is Not Visible to a User

When a view is not visible to the logged-in user, there are the following possible reasons:
  • The view does not exist in the .srf file.
  • This includes a possible misspelling when the view was registered (Site Map > Application Administration > Views); that is, it does not match the view name in the .srf file. If it matches, compile the .srf file again using the All Projects option (full compile).
  • The view is not included in one of the logged-in user's responsibilities.
    • Determine which responsibilities the logged-in user has (Site Map > User Administration > Employees).
    • Determine for each responsibility whether the view is included (Site Map > Application Administration > Responsibilities).
  • The view is hidden using personalization rules.
  • Determine this under Personalization Administration > Views. For testing purposes, you can also switch off the EnablePersonalization parameter in the .cfg file.
  • The view is not included either in the menu or in the view tabs. In this case, the view can only be accessed by drilling down from another view.
    • In Siebel Tools, examine the Screen Menu property of the View object. It must be set to TRUE for the view to be included in the Site Map.
    • Determine whether the view is included in a screen and that the Viewbar Text property of the Screen View child object of the screen is set appropriately.
    • Determine whether the view's Visibility Applet and Visibility Applet Type properties are set correctly. The view belongs to a screen that is not included in the currently running application.
    • In Siebel Tools, determine whether the screen is included in the application (Screen Menu Item child object of the application).
    • Determine whether the application name is spelled correctly in the .cfg file.
  • The view does not belong to the same business object as the screen's default view.
  • Make sure that the view is based on the same business object.
    For restrictions on the Screen property, see Siebel Object Types Reference.
  • The view is not available due to upgrade problems.
  • If an upgrade was done, make sure that it was successful by verifying all the log files that were created. The upgrade log files are found in the DBSERVER_ROOT\DB_PLATFORM directory.
  • The view is not included in your license keys.
  • If none of the previous reasons is responsible for the view not being visible, it is likely that the view is not included in your license keys. Send the license keys to Siebel Expert Services for examination. See also Alert 0041 on Siebel SupportWeb.
  • The screen menu item or page tab is not translated into its target language.
  • Make sure that for each screen associated with the application (Screen Menu Item object) there is a translated string available in the target language and a Screen Menu Item Locale child object. If not, the screen will not appear in the Site Map.
    Similarly, for a page tab to appear, the Page Tab object must have a translated string and a Page Tab Locale child object with the appropriate language code.
    For example, if the application runs in Norwegian, there must be Screen Menu Item Locale and Page Tab Locale objects with the Language Code property set to NOR.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Using Runtime Events in a Workflow

A workflow process can integrate with the run-time events engine in order to provide a simplified way to automate a business process. Benefits provided by this technique include:

Allows real time monitoring of events
Minimizes scripting and calling for a workflow policy

The types of events that can be used include:
Business Component

A run-time event allows the Siebel application to respond in real time to an interaction that is initiated by an end user. A run-time event can be defined on a connector that emanates from a start, wait, or user interact step in order to start or resume a workflow process. The properties of the WF Step Branch that are used to define a run-time event include:

Event Object Type
Event Object
Sub Event
Event Cancel Flag

Friday, September 2, 2011

CLOB Physical Type in Siebel

Character Large Object (CLOB) Physical Type
The Character Large Object (CLOB) physical type stores a large, variable amount of text. Siebel CRM version 8.0 and higher supports this text. CLOB is similar to Long, but it can contain much more data. In an Oracle database, the maximum size is (4 GB minus 1 byte) multiplied by the value in DB_BLOCK_SIZE.
Note the following requirements:
  • Because a column in a Siebel table is limited to 128 KB of data, you cannot define a column of type CLOB that is greater than 128 KB.
  • Siebel CRM allows no more than three CLOB columns for each table.
  • In Siebel Tools, you can only set the physical type to CLOB when you define a column. You cannot change a predefined column, such as a Long column, to a CLOB column.
  • Siebel Tools displays the CLOB Physical Type as L (Long) in the Properties window.
  • Because MS SQL Server does not define a CLOB type, MS SQL Server treats a CLOB as a varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) object.
  • To query on a DTYPE_CLOB field, you must use at least one wildcard in the search expression. You use an asterisk (*) to express a wildcard. For example, use TEST*. Do not use an equal sign (=) in the query. For example, do not use =TEST. If you use an equal sign, then Siebel CRM generates an error.
Maximum Number of Digits for a Numeric Physical Type
If the Physical Type property of a table column is Numeric, then the table column can contain up to 16 digits. Note the following for the numeric physical type:
  • As Siebel CRM increases the number of digits it uses to the left of the decimal point, the number of usable digits to the right of the decimal point decreases by an equal amount.
  • Data is limited to 16 digits without a decimal point.
  • If you use a decimal point, then data is limited to 15 digits to the left of the decimal point.
  • You cannot use more than 7 digits to the right of the decimal point.
  • You cannot change precision or scale properties to change this support.
  • Some rounding errors can occur with a 16 or 15 digit number.