A synthetic event is a specialized run-time event that is dedicated to controlling workflow navigation.
You will stumble upon these concepts if you get a chance to work with interactive workflows.
To control the way a user navigates through the Siebel application, you can create buttons on applets within views and then associate synthetic events with the buttons.
A sample case is when you get a Warning Pop up Applet while you try to modify a product in the SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow.
You will stumble upon these concepts if you get a chance to work with interactive workflows.
To control the way a user navigates through the Siebel application, you can create buttons on applets within views and then associate synthetic events with the buttons.
A sample case is when you get a Warning Pop up Applet while you try to modify a product in the SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow.
- In Siebel Tools, select a view to which a User Interact step navigates the user.
- Configure a button for eg "OK". button
- Specify the MethodInvoked property of the button control as the name of the associated event, for example, FrameEventMethodWFOK for proceeding further.
- In the Palette Designer, associate the applet type run-time event, for example, FrameEventMethodWFOK, to the outgoing branches of the User Interact step in the workflow process that will receive the event. Assign the event the following properties:
Hope this post was useful; stay tuned